3 Tips Before Taking Your Pet to the Beach


Planning a day at the beach with your pet? Read some tips for taking your pet to the beach safely and securely

Summer is almost here and we immediately want to go out and enjoy the activities and adventures that this time of the year brings, such as going to the river, the beach and outdoor parks.

To enjoy these adventures safely we will share with you some ideas and tips to spend a spectacular day with our pets at the beach.

Each pet guardian knows their furry, knows what they like, what they don't like and more importantly knows how they behave. All this is fundamental when taking our pets to public places.

First, remember that when we go to the beach there will be other pets, people and lots of sounds and distractions. So take all this into consideration and remember that although you can't control your environment, you can manage your pet.

Second, use tools such as a leash that will make your loyal friend feel safe and facilitate your visit to the beach or anywhere you go with your pet.

Third, within the fun atmosphere that the season proposes, it is very important to have as a priority to protect pets from the high temperatures that are present at this part of the Caribbean.

For this, it is essential to take into account among your items different alternatives to minimize the risks of heat stroke or dehydration, such as water to keep them hydrated, sunscreen, as well as accessories that repel the sun and keep the pet cool. It is important to identify an area or bring an umbrella or canopy for the pet to rest out of the sun.

Finally, you can bring treats and your pet's favorite toy to reward him/her for the behaviors you want to repeat on an upcoming outing. It can be a ball, a frisbee or even a stick they find on the beach. Sometimes depending on the dog or cat I like to have a 20 feet long leash to give them a little more freedom, if the environment and circumstances allow it.

Remember that even if your dog is friendly it doesn't mean that everyone else is. So for his safety take that into consideration and teach your puppy to respect the space of others.

Here is a little "check list" of those items you can't miss for a fun and safe day at the beach with your dog:

  • Leash
  • Toy Doggie Hydrating Water Bottle
  • Treats
  • Toy
  • Sunscreen
  • Umbrella or canopy
  • Towel
  • Water to rinse
  • Long leash
  • Cooling down bandana
  • Cooling down vest
  • Dog goggles

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