Is it possible to love your pet more than your partner?

We consider our pets as our own fur kid, and we know this is a relationship based on unconditional love and affection that cannot be compared.
Statistically, there are fewer children every year, and one of the causes could be that many young people prefer to adopt animals instead of having a child (completely normal if you consider how expensive a child can be nowadays). In the end, we adapt to each other's lifestyles, becoming familiar and responding almost better than other human beings. And let's be honest, animals are more human and full of love than some real humans out there.
When you date someone, it is important for you to know if that other person likes animals. This is a smart thing to do on the first date, so you can have the chance to decide whether or not to keep dating this human being.
Imagine you're already in a relationship with this new human being, and suddenly they give you an ultimatum because they can't handle your pet's hair. Would you choose your partner or your pet?
Well, surprisingly, many more people than it seems would choose their pets. Several studies have confirmed this fact, especially when it comes to dogs or cats. Many people would break off their relationship if their partners did not get along with their pets.
Pets are not only chosen over partners, but also over friends. According to a study, 50% of pet owners regularly skip going out and making plans with their friends in favor of staying at home with their animals. What's more, there are even those who maintain a relationship because they have fallen in love with their partner's pet, and find it impossible to be separated from them.
It should be noted that love between couples is very beautiful. And we know that a person who makes you laugh and understands you is worth gold. Couples love each other, support each other, fight with each other...! With a partner you can fight, but not with your pet, because in the end it will always steal your heart with its pure and tender eyes.
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